Friday, November 18, 2011


So I finished the scarf for the tallest person.:) I ended up making it 7.5 feet long. I am hoping this will be long enough.

And I finished a hat to match it

Find more finished things at....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Awful pictures continue

Well I still haven't found my camera charger....So the awful pictures continue.

First off this week a scarf for a very tall friend. He is over 7 feet tall. I searched the internet for advice on how long to make this scarf. A lot of the websites were saying it needed to be at least as tall as the person, but other sites were saying it needed to be 9 feet so that the person could wrap it around their neck. Nine feet sounds super extreme to me...And to everyone I have told. Any advice? It is pretty long already. I am only 5'6 so I dont have anything to judge it on. It just looks realllly long to me.

This is a hat I am making to match the scarf for the tall person.

And a birthday present for my mom...It is going to be a purse once I put all the sqaures together. I am also going to be adding some crochet flowers that button on...I am making this up as I go...The sqaures are hot pink and white

More great work in progress projects can be found at

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Special Olympics scarf

Sorry about the awful picture this morning. I took it on my cell phone...which cannot for anything take good pictures. This is the scarf I am working on for the special olmypics its about halfway done. Here is a link if you want to learn more about the project.!/pages/Scarves-For-Special-Olympics/311814935551   The colors are Red and Blue this year. Even though from the picture you cant exactly tell that. I am about halfway done.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I have finished two things this week

First Jack the pumpkin

Second is a chicken in an egg. I havent really given him a name.

Here is the egg part

And the chicken part