Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Awful pictures continue

Well I still haven't found my camera charger....So the awful pictures continue.

First off this week a scarf for a very tall friend. He is over 7 feet tall. I searched the internet for advice on how long to make this scarf. A lot of the websites were saying it needed to be at least as tall as the person, but other sites were saying it needed to be 9 feet so that the person could wrap it around their neck. Nine feet sounds super extreme to me...And to everyone I have told. Any advice? It is pretty long already. I am only 5'6 so I dont have anything to judge it on. It just looks realllly long to me.

This is a hat I am making to match the scarf for the tall person.

And a birthday present for my mom...It is going to be a purse once I put all the sqaures together. I am also going to be adding some crochet flowers that button on...I am making this up as I go...The sqaures are hot pink and white

More great work in progress projects can be found at


  1. 9 feet does seem a bit extreme. I'm the same height as you, and I like my scarves no longer than 6 feet. I imagine that 7-7.5 would be good for someone of that height, since you only need to add length for the part that hangs down... unless he has a double-wide neck. Then all bets are off. :) Good luck!

  2. @paula Thanks! He is a tall thin guy so I dont think the neck is going to be a problem. :)
