Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fo Friday

Alright so I am updating on Thursday night again since Friday the internet is soooo slow. Above you can see what I have been working on. This picture is actually upside which I didn't notice until it was already loaded on here : P This is a blanket for "Blankets for deployed daddies" This is an organization that provides blankets to deployed fathers of newborns. The idea is that newborns are comforted by the scent of their parents. The deployed father sleeps with the blanket and the sends it to their newborn. I think it is a great idea. Even after the scent wears off the baby still has a nice blanket from their dad. :) Here is the link and the pattern can be found there.

This is my hat made with my own kool-aid dyed yarn! Yes very excited. However I for somereason can not remember what pattern this is....I have misplaced it.

For more great friday finished objects go see

Thursday, May 24, 2012

FO Friday

This is my third technique I did with Stacey Trock's Kool aid dyeing week. This is grape and blue moon berry(I am pretty sure) This was the most time consuming of all the techniques.

This was the second technique and my favorite. It is how to dye multi-colored skeins. I wanted it to look like a sunset. I used orange, black cherry, and lemonade. I love it...And it is currently being made into an amazing scarf. :)  Internet is so bad on Friday mornings I am posting this tonight.


This is fins the fish from Stacey Trock's book Crocheted Softies. I just love it!
For more finished objects visit

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WIP Wednesday

For more work in progress Wednesday visit

I am working on a fish from Stacey Trock's Crocheted Softies book...which I highly recommend. All 18 patterns are adorable. There are usually times...most of the time...where I buy a book really not liking a lot of the patterns out of it, but this is not one of those times. I truly want to try and make every pattern in this book. I just can't help it. I spend a lot of time just currently looking through the book. :) It doesn't seem to get old.

On the charity front I have now finished 19 out of my 30 baby booties for charity. Going pretty well. I also finished three hats that I was just playing around with, but that are also going to charity.

I also have a new idea that I have been thinking about. I want to try and get a skein of yarn from every state in the country. And maybe some from outside of the country. :)   Clearly traveling to every state at this point would be way too expensive, however I was thinking last night that I do have a lot of friends from all over the country. My plan is to have the person send me their zip code than find the nearest yarn store to this person. I am going to ask them for a skein of yarn unique to that state or just unique in general...and a picture of the yarn store. (Dont worry I will be paying these people back for the yarn. :) Now what I plan to create when I get all this yarn....has not yet been decided. :) And I think I also need a name for this new project of mine. Yarn Trip....Yarn Haul....Great Yarn Adventure of 2012. Thoughts? :P

Friday, May 18, 2012

Fo Friday

This was my mother's day gift to my mom. It turned out too cute :) I ended up using leftover baby yarn for the flowers so instead of having to make the normal 18 flowers that the pattern says...I had to like 40. :) Oh well it turned out awesome in the end. The pattern is from lionbrand

And of course I am still making the baby booties. I have finished 14 so far. My goal is 30 in 30 days. Doing well. :)
These are the one piece baby booties by Cat that I always use.

More finished friday stuff can be found at!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Work in progress wednesday

My first ever crochted outfit. I am loving this. It is cute already. The pattern can be found at

More Work in progress pictures can be found at

About the kool aid at Fresh stitches Stacey Trock taught about making yarn with many colors. However, I am currently out of yarn. To be continued when more yarn appears!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kool-aid dye week day 2

Day Two of dye week is kettle dyeing. This is my yarn in the pan. I added the packets of kool aid to the bottom of the pan and then added the boiling water.
This is the kool-aid in the water. I poured more warm water and kool aid from a seperate cup over the top of the yarn. Then I boiled it more till the water went clear.
This is my finished yarn! Better pictures once it dries.