Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fo Friday

Alright so I am updating on Thursday night again since Friday the internet is soooo slow. Above you can see what I have been working on. This picture is actually upside which I didn't notice until it was already loaded on here : P This is a blanket for "Blankets for deployed daddies" This is an organization that provides blankets to deployed fathers of newborns. The idea is that newborns are comforted by the scent of their parents. The deployed father sleeps with the blanket and the sends it to their newborn. I think it is a great idea. Even after the scent wears off the baby still has a nice blanket from their dad. :) Here is the link and the pattern can be found there.

This is my hat made with my own kool-aid dyed yarn! Yes very excited. However I for somereason can not remember what pattern this is....I have misplaced it.

For more great friday finished objects go see


  1. Just wanted to stop by & say hello. I may not comment but I visit often. Stay cool!
