Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WIP Wednesday

For more work in progress Wednesday visit

I am working on a fish from Stacey Trock's Crocheted Softies book...which I highly recommend. All 18 patterns are adorable. There are usually times...most of the time...where I buy a book really not liking a lot of the patterns out of it, but this is not one of those times. I truly want to try and make every pattern in this book. I just can't help it. I spend a lot of time just currently looking through the book. :) It doesn't seem to get old.

On the charity front I have now finished 19 out of my 30 baby booties for charity. Going pretty well. I also finished three hats that I was just playing around with, but that are also going to charity.

I also have a new idea that I have been thinking about. I want to try and get a skein of yarn from every state in the country. And maybe some from outside of the country. :)   Clearly traveling to every state at this point would be way too expensive, however I was thinking last night that I do have a lot of friends from all over the country. My plan is to have the person send me their zip code than find the nearest yarn store to this person. I am going to ask them for a skein of yarn unique to that state or just unique in general...and a picture of the yarn store. (Dont worry I will be paying these people back for the yarn. :) Now what I plan to create when I get all this yarn....has not yet been decided. :) And I think I also need a name for this new project of mine. Yarn Trip....Yarn Haul....Great Yarn Adventure of 2012. Thoughts? :P

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