Friday, December 30, 2011

funny friday night thing

I am so tired that I just poked myself in the eye while trying to move my finger...yet i am still crocheting the body of a goat. :) how is that for dedication to a craft

Finished object friday

 This week I have tried many new things. This is the one piece baby bootie. I have always heard that baby booties were extremely hard to make. And so I never attempted them. Then I found this link to the one piece baby bootie complete with a video on youtube of someone actually showing you how to do it. I am much more of a visual learner than a book learner. I still sometimes struggle reading patterns, but I can easily complete it if I can see how someone did it. the color is actually a mint green. :)
Once I got the hang of this pattern is was super simple. I am thinking its going to be a go to gift for future baby showers.

And the moment everyone has been waiting for.....The baby sweater! That is right. I actually completed something that someone can wear! This is by the same person as above....It is called little miss pink puff. However, I didnt have any pink so I did mine in creme color. The buttons are little hearts that I think add some color. :) I was using the creme color at first because I didnt actually know if I would be able to complete this project. It was really simple though and another pretty quick item to whip up. This is for a baby 2-5 pounds. I am glad I started with the preemie sweater.

 Above is the stitch that I learned while working on this project. It is the puff stitch. :) I love the way it looks.
Picture of the back. And the collar. I love this sweater and I am really proud of myself. I am currently working on a full size toddler sweater now. I have the first part done already. :)

For more amazing projects visit....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Again I dont have any pictures of work in progress stuff. Come back friday for my first ever baby sweater!

Visit here for more things to look at...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Finished object Friday

Alright today is the big reveal of the Fresh Stitches Cow pattern. Tada!

My friend Ezra says that technically it is a bull because it doesnt have any utters. When he asked why I was calling it cow....I said it was because its name is cow. :P Though after puttting the picture on my facebook I received some other creative name ideas. Like chocolate milk and 2%. :)

Next up is my finished birth annoucement for my sister's baby new in April. When completed it will also include the middle name, the date of the birth, and the weight/size of the baby. Her baby shower is next weekend though on New years eve.

And finally I took this cute monster pattern and turned it into a jellyfish.   I did the basic pattern. I added only 6 rows to the body. Then all the way around the 24 stitches I single crocheted three stitches into one stitch to make the bottom like that.

For more finished amazingly wonderful finished objects visit

Thanks for the comments. I love reading them :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I actually dont have any work in progress to show. I should at least have a couple snugglies done right? I have, however, finished the Fresh stitches cow pattern and I will be showing it on finished object Friday. Heres to hoping there will be more snugglies done too. :)

For more actual finished objects visit

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday morning

This week I am working on the Fresh stitches cow pattern that I hope to have done actually even before wip. I have basically all the pieces done now its just the job of sewing them allll together. I minorly still struggle with that part. getting all the limbs even and everything. I finished my sister's birth annoucement cross stitch..which there will be a picture of for Friday. The project I really should be working on is my snugglies for the Humane society. However, as usual any time I am making something I really need to get done with no deadline. I cant seem to get it done. I need some kind of goal cause I havent done one in two weeks! Poor puppies and kittens. Someone needs to set me a deadline! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Finish object friday

The cutest moose ever. This is a fresh stitches pattern. I love all her patterns. To find more of Stacey's great patterns....

For more great projects visit

Friday, December 9, 2011

Finished object friday

This is the scarf I finished this week. :)

And the adorable crocheted snowman. The pattern can be found here....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Work in progress wednesday

Two things I am working on this week

First off my scarf...made with the same yarn I made my hat last week with

Pattern can be found here

Second is my felt bag. I just made this up as I went

For more work in progress wednesday projects...visit

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fo Friday

Alright I have finished two things today.
First off a hat. I used the same pattern I used last name from Bernat. This one is so pretty. The picture again taken by my cell phone does not do the color justice. It is done in bernat shimmer yarn in turquoise. This is the link to what it looks like on there website. But it really is much brighter than both of these pictures.

The second thing I finished was a snuggle. If you havent heard of the snuggles project here is a link.  The idea is to make small blankets crochet or knitted to be used in shelters for animals. I have finished three this week. Two crocheted and one tied blanket. This is an example of one I did. I like this one cause it is realllly colorful.

 I am making 15 of them. :) Happy Friday Everyone!