Friday, January 27, 2012


My first full size baby sweater. Made with bernat Pajama party
 I love this yarn. It is Sensations Little Treat. So nice to work with.

 A new blanket.    Same double crochet single crochet pattern I did before. I think this is bernat funny prints :)

Check out more cool projects

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Finish object Friday

It has been a busy week of crocheting. First off my friend Megan let me borrow her book Tasty Crochet. I have been so looking forward to trying some of the patterns out of this book. I, however, had to started a restart some of these projects a middle times. The book has certain types of yarn you are suppose to get...But I wanted to use my red heart yarn. I already own it in all the colors I needed. I tried many different needles and tension in order to try and get the right size everything was ending up so big! I ended up using a E hook instead of a g like it said in the book. And this is what I came out with....

Pancake, syrup, and butter
chocolate chip cookie
my favorite. The pizza.

And a fried egg.

I probably could have save myself all the trouble if I just would have brought the right yarn...but no I wanted to use the stuff I already have. I plan to be making almost all the items in the book. They really are allll cute. To see or purchase this book-

This is a baby blanket I finished this week. It is done in Bernat softee baby yarn. In colorway His Jeans Ombre. I absolutely love this yarn. It is soooo soft. The colors are teal, light purple, kind of blue/purple...and white.  For this blanket I just did a chain. Then I did single crochet/double crochet. Every other stitch. Single...then double...then single...then double. You get the point. It turned out quite nice.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Work in progress Wednesday

My squares I have finished this week. I am currently out of yarn though. It is sensations little treat yarn and sooooo nice to work with. I have about four squares to go.
These were made using this pattern above stopping at step 7. :)

See more work in progress projects at

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Yarn Anonymous

Tonight I admitted to being a yarn addict. Not that it ever was a surprise to me or anyone around me. But I hear that stating you have a problem is the first step to fixing one. I am now part of a yarn intervention. A 12 step program of sorts. I am thinking of writing up some steps...9.10,11, maybe 12. To show the wonderful improvement I have made since accepting this area of my life. Stay tune for details. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Finished object friday

First off I finished these baby booties. They match the blanket below. The pattern for these can be found at

This was Bernat-Rosebud. I love how the two booties turned out so different because of the colorway.

The blanket that matches.

This is a simple hat. To match the scarf below.
I tooked the size down though and only increased to 54.

Awesome scarf. This pattern was really neat. You cant see it on here,but it has a little slot where the one side of the scarf loop fits into the other side. So it doesn't need to be tied. I really love the colors. It is pink, white and green. :)
This is a bracelet I made out of the same yarn. It is just double crochet. I also made a matching headband. This yarn really gets you far. It is Loops and Threads...Impeccable.

Check out more finished objects at

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Work in progress wednesday

So this week I have been working on two things...first off is this blue baby blanket

The second one is this blanket. It is done out of a yarn that is pink, white, and purple...each square is working up differently which is really cool to see. What I did was take the same pattern as above and I stopped at row 7. These are going to become a rectangle blanket.

I will talk about what yarns I used when they are finished. Dont forget to come back for Finished object Friday. I finished a bunch this week!

To see more pictures of progess

Friday, January 6, 2012

Finished Object Friday

Alrighty here is the baby blanket I finished this week
It is so pretty and looks like a sunrise. It is Bernat in berries and cream.

Now here are the diaper cakes that my mom made for my sister's baby shower. So pretty!

This was the castle cake for my sister and her husband's table.

check out more awesome finished projects at...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Work in progress wednesday

ok just to be honest right away. The goat I was making....the two of us are currently on a break. There isnt a current picture of him even. I have finished the body, the head, arm and the snout. I am struggling cutting the pattern in half to make it smaller. I cant quite figure out how to do that. I guess I need to spend some time looking up instructions on that. In the mean time I am working through my stash on my baby blankets. I have already finished one this week. So you will see that Friday. I also have another one I am working on today. This is Bernat in Rosebud.

It is just a basic ripple pattern. The colors though it is hard to see are....light pink, pink and white, green and white, and dark pink. Basically the colors you would find it a real rose. :) I am loving it. Working through my stash of baby yarn is going well for the moment. Come back on Friday to see pictures from my sister's baby shower. My mom made amazing diaper cakes that would be sad to miss. :)

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