Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Work in progress wednesday

ok just to be honest right away. The goat I was making....the two of us are currently on a break. There isnt a current picture of him even. I have finished the body, the head, arm and the snout. I am struggling cutting the pattern in half to make it smaller. I cant quite figure out how to do that. I guess I need to spend some time looking up instructions on that. In the mean time I am working through my stash on my baby blankets. I have already finished one this week. So you will see that Friday. I also have another one I am working on today. This is Bernat in Rosebud.

It is just a basic ripple pattern. The colors though it is hard to see are....light pink, pink and white, green and white, and dark pink. Basically the colors you would find it a real rose. :) I am loving it. Working through my stash of baby yarn is going well for the moment. Come back on Friday to see pictures from my sister's baby shower. My mom made amazing diaper cakes that would be sad to miss. :)

For more work in progress projects go to

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